Family Support Blog #11

This Family Support Blog focuses on exam stress. Tests and exams can be challenging for children and young people and also their parent and carers. As we are coming into GCSE ‘A’Level exam time, the pressure to do well can be overwhelming and effect mental health, here are a few tips to support you and your children at this time.
Revision tips for young people
- Keep gaps between revision and drink lots of water. Constant revising without a break can make you feel emotionally and physically drained.
- Try not to stress and revise the day before exams.
- Instead of copying notes, why not draw mind maps or images to help you remember information.
- Try breaking it up into chunks and creating a daily timetable, be realistic about what you can achieve in a day.
- Don’t put pressure on yourself, take deep breaths. Focus on you and don’t compare yourself to others.
- Get an early night.

- Think about all the things you have achieved so far, keep it in perspective.
- Exams can help you take the next step in your academic or professional career – but results are not the only measure of success.
Signs of stress for parents to watch out for:
- Children and young people who are stressed may:
- Worry a lot, feel tense, have headaches and stomach pains, not sleep well, be irritable, be negative and have a low mood. Having someone to talk to can help. Support from a parent, their tutor, study buddy can help to share worries and keep things in perspective.

- Encourage your child to talk to a member of school staff who they feel is supportive. If you think your child is not coping, it might be helpful to talk to their teachers.
- Study time: Make sure your child has somewhere comfortable to study.
- Motivation: encourage them to think about their goals in life.
- Exam nerves:
- Remind your child that it is normal to feel anxious, nervousness is a natural reaction to exams.
Staying calm yourself can help, remember exams do not last forever.
Our Family Support Team are here to offer support and advice and are running workshops in your school throughout the year so please get in touch if you would like more information contact are #hereforyou if you need advice, guidance or support – you can contact us via the contact information on our Team page.
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