Our Family Support Service is here to help your family.

Do you worry about…

  • Communicating with your child/teen
  • Managing challenging behaviour
  • How to help with your child’s learning
  • Your child’s additional needs
  • Finances
  • Housing
  • Loss or bereavement
  • Where to go for help and support
  • Abusive relationships
  • Bullying

CHEXS Family Support Service can help you with:

  • Support, advice and guidance for parents
  • Families First Assessment support, advice and guidance for children and young people
  • Family and adult learning courses, Parenting groups
  • Signposting to local services and activities
  • Enrichment projects for children & young people both supporting their learning and development


CHEXS Family Support Service (FSS) operates within your school/setting for 2-3 hours on a regular fortnightly or Monthly basis. Note: Support is on hand outside these sessions too. Parents can attend support sessions at other schools subject to availability.

Just get in touch through our social media pages or through Lee Routledge, Kim Nicholson or Andrea Baxter contacts pages to book an appointment.

What do the CHEXS Family Support Service do?

CHEXS Family Support team work with the whole family in the family home, at school or in a safe place within the community. CHEXS focuses on giving every child the opportunity to thrive in their family, school and community.

Our teams aims to:

  1. Remove barriers to learning for children and young people.
  2. To offer advice, guidance and support to parents, carers and schools. To support children and young people at risk of not achieving their goals. Our unique cross team approach with the children and young people’s team means that we can help to provide full access to educational opportunities.
  3. Providing support to children and families before their needs escalate. Helping them to retain control and responsibility for their futures. (preventing needs escalating to require specialist statutory intervention)

Our core offer

The support the family support service provides can vary per family but can include:

  • Initially meeting parents to assess their needs and identify the support required
  • Working intensively with parents over several 1-2-1 meetings to improve parenting skills and build confidence. This can include coaching on:
  1. Communicate effectively with children
  2. Strengthen family relationships
  3. Manage difficult behaviour
  4. Support children’s learning
  • As well as making referrals, our FSS team often accompanies parents who lack confidence or understanding to first meeting(s) with other agencies.
  • Improving family communication and strengthening relationships. This can involve the team working directly with the whole-family and encouraging parents to volunteer with CHEXS alongside their children, so they complete outdoor projects together.
  • Acting as a trusted third party for parents, where relations with statutory bodies, including schools & social services, have broken down; this includes attending meetings with professionals where needed
  • Supporting parents and children during transition from primary to secondary school, and special SEN schools, which can be a particularly stressful time.
  • Attending forums to ensure we work in co-ordination with other agencies, e.g. Domestic Abuse, Homelessness, Housing as well as Health and Wellbeing.