CHEXS is a vehicle to help improve young people’s mental health and wellbeing through a structured programme of outdoor learning and coaching which we call ‘GROWTH’.
CHEXS is a vehicle to help improve young people’s mental health and wellbeing through a structured programme of outdoor learning and coaching which we call ‘GROWTH’.
The CHEXS GROWTH Programme is designed to motivate children and young people to achieve success outside of the traditional classroom environment by raising their confidence and self esteem.
The Growth programme encompasses four key pillars:
The principles of CHEXS are based on 4 key pillars. These are the foundations on which our projects are based.
Each stage of the CHEXS Growth programme focuses on teaching resilience as well as providing young people with a meaning and a purpose.
The projects inspire young people to consider their aspirations for the future and work to achieve them as well as setting a culture of expectation to create healthy and supportive relationships which promote wellbeing.
The GROWTH programme begins with an Aspiration Presentation. The CHEXS team deliver an aspirational talk to discuss the benefits of the projects. This discussion motivates and inspires the children to think about their goals. We then speak about our expectations and how it will take confidence to step outside of their comfort zones. We will work through the year with them to help them achieve their own personal goals.
Children are coached throughout the year by the CHEXS team to think about their goals and have the confidence to step outside of their comfort zones. The coached sessions are tailored to the needs of the group with the aim to improve aspirations and learning. CHEXS links experiences with challenges to highlight that with dedication, enthusiasm and support everybody can achieve and reach their personal goals.
Develop self-esteem, confidence and aspirations, be able to use protective behaviours.
Link to school education – Help raise attainment, achievement, attendance, behaviour, confidence and self- esteem. Role Model Mentor programme Protective Behaviour strategies gained, build support networks with school, home and community life.
CHEXS creative project is designed to aid inclusion, promote support and build coaching opportunities between the different age groups. We aim to build relationships to motivate and engaged young people.
The team take targeted 11-15year olds to work with 7-10 year old children to create something that can be displayed within the outdoor setting i.e. a willow deer.
The 11-15yr olds become confident mentors, taking responsibility for being positive role models. The children respond well to their leadership whilst enjoying using natural materials to create structures that can be enjoyed by the whole community.
Links to school education – Help raise attainment, achievement, attendance, behaviour, confidence and self- esteem. Role Model Mentor programme. Protective behaviour strategies gained.
Building support networks with school, home and community life. Enhancing the appearance and encourage ownership of the local area. The project aids inclusion, support and mentoring between the different age groups. Life skills developed i.e. teamwork and problem-solving. The children become motivated and engaged gaining a sense of achievement and ownership.
The children create and manage a local area within the community.
This project is aimed at habitat management, shrub clearance and dead hedge construction. The opportunity to engage with the local community members is fantastic and it helps to support and steer the project.
Our children and young people team coaches the children to help raise attainment, achievement, attendance and experience. The young people work as a team to enhance and develop the community areas with tangible results. Young people are given the opportunity to choose between areas of work and to discuss and consider how it can be developed.
Build positive relationships within the local community.
Link to school education – Help raise attainment, achievement, attendance and behaviour. Role Model Mentor programme. Build support networks with school, home and community life. Enhance the appearance and encourage ownership of the local area
All the children who have participated in the programme are invited to attend our annual community event. They are presented with a certificate to celebrate their achievements.