Peter Maiden CEO – 30 years since he joined the Navy

On the 10th October 1989 aged 16 Pete (CHEXS CEO) joined the Royal Navy. Where has the last 30 years gone?
His personal experience around his own journey through school including the late diagnosis of dyslexia and the effect it had on his self-esteem and lack of confidence means that he knows that if he had not joined the Royal Navy he would not be doing what he does today.
The Royal Navy’s approach helped him to build his confidence so he could express and challenging himself to undertake and achieve fulfilment throughout his career with them. However, more importantly that training, qualifications and experience has continued to help him far after his Navy carer finished.
He has a lot to be thankful for which gave him the enthusiasm and passion to help children and young people and families reach their own full potential. He wanted to bring the way the Royal Navy supported, educated and gave him the opportunities to develop as a person to others to enable them to feel proud of their achievements and give them the confidence to ask for support and help when needed. That is why he decided to create the charity CHEXS back in September 2011 to help children, young people and their families.

Most of us are keen on making big life changes. But making these kinds of changes are hard. It requires a huge commitment and a lot of mental strength. We at CHEXS strongly believe small changes can make a big difference, tiny habits can pile up quickly and result in a major difference over time.
“The person who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.”
CHEXS’ approach builds on experiences as small stepping stones continually reflecting on achievements and learning experience. This methodology links small changes which easier to make and easier to stick with. The littlest of things can have the biggest impact, while it may seem small, the ripple effects of small things is extraordinary. Laying a seed in a positive experience can grow into something massive. The more seeds (experiences) the bigger the impact.

CHEXS is a vehicle for Children, Young People and families to share opportunities and experiences, to enable them to reach their own goals!
CHEXS is also a vehicle for the team to develop innovative ideas into projects that inspire all involved. Their own journey helps build the momentum and energy that positively influences people around them.

It gives us all at CHEXS great pleasure and honour to see the incredible difference our dedicated and passionate staff, trustees and volunteers have made with the children, young people, families and local community we are here to serve.