The work carried out by the ‘stronger than ever’ CHEXS team in the local community is often life changing and never less than highly effective. Indeed, the CHEXS team is now an integral feature of our local community, and the value that each member of the team brings to the organisation’s collective efforts is truly inspirational; their individual contribution to the strategic vision of CHEXS is both inspiring and humbling in equal measure.

As demonstrated perfectly during the last 12 months, it is pivotal that CHEXS continues to be proactive in its approach to ensure that it continues to identify the needs of the community that it serves with such passion, and is able to respond readily to what are often subtle changes in these needs.

As you read this report, I invite you to reflect on what might have been the outcomes for those individuals/families that CHEXS has supported during the last 12 months had this support not been provided by CHEXS; therein lies the rationale for CHEXS existence…the reason why CHEXS ‘does what it does’…and will continue to do so for the good of the community that it serves with such passion and commitment.

Please see the below for CHEXS Annual Accounts for the last 3 years.

Click the below pictures to view to these reports.