Family Support Blog #6
Parenting Goals to Start the New Year
Happy new year to you all
Here we are again, a new year, a fresh start, new challenges and a time to set some fresh parenting goals. 2021 was yet another tough year for us all, so why don’t we try to look forward and make some positive changes and parenting goals.
Some of us like to take measures to prepare for something new, which may be routine for many. For example, you might buy some new clothes before starting a new job or you might do some research on your holiday destination before travelling there. Starting a new year on the right foot is also important, as it can create better relationships for you and your family. To make this happen, you can set goals and resolutions. For parents, who may want to improve matters related to family, setting goals and resolution may help. Whether parents are together or not, deciding on a few parenting goals for the new year can create a positive start and set the tone for the rest of the year.
We sometimes make goals and resolutions each new year, and the truth is that most of us don’t stick to our new year resolutions.
It can be done though!
If you want to make change’s here’s some tips on making resolutions and goal’s you can actually stick to.
Keep it simple
Keep your resolutions and goals simple, something small and achievable that you can manage – not something that may turn your entire life and family upside down.
Write it down
If you write your goals down, you’re more likely to achieve them. A good idea is to put your goals up as a reminder to yourself, e.g. “Walk more!”, “Take time out!” or “Stick to boundaries set for kids!”. You can put the goals on your fridge, or on your mirror.
Aim for good enough
We often tell ourselves “what’s the point” trying to work towards our goals anymore, just because we’ve had a bad day, then we feel bad about ourselves for giving up, so we just stop trying working towards our goals.
The reality is change takes time and not everyone finds change easy, so don’t be too hard on yourself! Take a deep breath and remember tomorrow is another day. You don’t need to be perfect, you just need to be good enough.
Check out some parenting goals to help you and your family start the new year.
Educate your children on positive communication skills
Teaching your children to communicate positively can create good communication skills for their future, and help them to work well with others. You can help to support this goal by demonstrating positive communication to your kids by practicing them yourself. We are our children’s role models and they often model our behaviours.
Work together
Parenting is one of the biggest responsibility’s, and cooperation between parents can make things easier to manage and cope. Whether you’re still together or not strive to commit to working together with your co-parent. Although parents who are not together may find it very hard to cooperate, it is important to try. You can use some tools to help the communication, for example:
- A calendar to schedule and track parenting responsibility
- An electronic journal where you can put notes about children’s important events
- A message board to create an accurate log of parent communication
- Share information e.g. school reports and positive progress in after school activities
If parents can collaborate their efforts in raising their children, they will be in a better place to help their children succeed in life and the new year.
Don’t sweat the little things
At times, it’s the little things that cause annoyances and really get under the skin and makes raising children feel difficult and stressful. Your child may be being disobedient or you may be having a disagreement with your co-parent, knowing how to deal with these stresses in a healthy way will be helpful. Remember to try and not get too worked up over the little things. Try to be a little flexible, as this can go a long way helping to make parenting easier. If you are struggling to let go of these little things, take time to think about the root of what’s bothering you and work on improving that.
Stay healthy
A great and valuable new year’s goal for anyone is to commit to a healthy lifestyle both physically and emotionally. Try to make small improvements, as not to over whelm yourself, as this can help. For example, dedicate yourself to walk more instead of using the car all the time, give yourself some quality time out as much as you can. As a parent it is important that you stay fit and healthy so you’re more prepared to deal with the challenges of parenting as they arise. As well as keeping yourself healthy, encourage your children to stay healthy too by eating well, getting more sleep, and talking about their feelings.
Have fun
These last 2 years has been a rough ride for many of us and has had its ups and downs, but let’s have hope that the new year is better than the last. Start this new year off on the right foot by committing yourself to having more fun in all you do. Take more time doing the things you love to do or would like to do, with or without your kids. You may want to try something new, that you have been wanting to do like starting a course or doing an exercise class. Whatever you would like to do, challenge yourself to do it.
You and your family may face new challenges in this new year, but these goals will help to prepare you for whatever might come your way.
Have a happy healthy new year.
Our Family Support Team are here to offer support and advice and are running workshops in your school throughout the year so please get in touch if you would like more information contact
We are #here for you if you need advice, guidance or support – you can contact us via the contact information on our Team page.