CHEXS Spring Newsletter 2021

February 2021
Happy New Year from all of us at CHEXS.
We are #hereforyou at this difficult time.
If you would like to get in touch with us, you can do so by emailing
Alternatively you can keep up to date with our lockdown activity ideas, support, resources and more by following us on our social media channels

CHEXS Health Eating idea’s
Our Parenting Support team have been busy putting together some quick and simple healthy eating ideas. Your children will love getting involved and helping create these delicious treats for you all to enjoy.
Just head over to our YouTube Channel – @CHEXS Official for all our Healthy Eating videos
Children’s Mental Health Week – 1st – 7th Feb
During this week CHEXS Supported Places2be Childrens mental health week, posting daily with suggestions, advice and support regarding this very important cause.
50% of those with lifetime mental health problems first experience symptoms by the age of 14. Our team wanted to ensure that suggestions and tips were readily available to our followers during this extremely difficult time. It was great to see such enthusiastic interactions with these posts.

CHEXS Food and Grocery Delivery
In January the CHEXS team and volunteers delivered 179 food parcels over 2 days provided by @Goffsacademy and @Goffschurchgate.
The parcels went to young people that were eligible for free school meals but were unable to collect them. School books and laptops were also delivered to some students enabling them to complete their schoolwork. Parcels were gratefully received with one parent saying ‘Thank you so much, I can’t believe how kind you are doing this for us. You are amazing. Just can’t thank you enough’. The CHEXS team and volunteers really loved being able to support these families, some of whom are experiencing extreme difficulties in these challenging times

CHEXS Family Support Team
Each week Andrea, Kim and Lee will be offering their ‘Tips of the week’ to families to help, support and advice with common parenting struggles.Please stay tuned to our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linked-in pages for up to date workshops and parenting support.

Our Family Support team are #hereforyou and available for our Parent Virtual Chats (Every Tuesday 2.30pm), parenting support, advice, tips and SO much more.
We are just a phone call or email away – due to the current Covid situation appointments need to be made in advance.

Team Learning & Courses Attended
Andrea, Lee and Kim from our Family support team, have been working on their Level 4 Award Work with Parents, Intense support to Families with Complex Needs course (beginning December 2020) over the last couple of months with “Train to Equip” and the fantastic trainer Sue Rastall.
They have learnt so many new ways of working, that will help them do their job even better and help even more families with differing needs. #heretosupport

In the last 3 weeks leading up to the Half Term break, the CHEXS Self Esteem team have been working alongside groups of keyworker children who are attending school during the current lockdown.
It was fantastic to return to Holdbrook Primary School, where we used their playground as an outdoor learning space.This set of leadership sessions has been funded by BBC Children in Need,
allowing CHEXS to continue to help build the aspirations and self-esteem of the children. The sessions gave them the chance to talk about their anxieties, worries and concerns. Many of these children have family members who are ‘key workers’ on the front line of support everyday.

CHEXS Self-Esteem Team will be delivering over the February half term:•
CHEXS Children in Need holiday self-esteem program will be delivered to targeted children during the February Half term. This includes zoom 1 – 1 and group sessions. Our team will also be delivering the program within primary schools with targeted group bubbles. (To be limited to outside activities ensuring our CHEXS COVID control measure are strictly adhered to)
• CHEXS transition program (funded by HCF) will continue supporting the 19 children who have been on the program since July 2020.
If you would like to donate to CHEXS, no matter how large or small it would be very much appreciated. It can be done through our Facebook page or by clicking the link DONATE on our Website.
This is an incredibly tough time for all charities and your donations can make a real difference.

If you need us for support or advice you can contact us through our social media or by emailing us at
Copyright © 2019 CHEXS Registered Charity 1153769 All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: CVSBEH Community Skills Hub 59 Pavilion High Road, Waltham Cross EN8 7JU Contact us at Telephone: 07970498966 |