Career week 2023

CHEXS builds and shapes our GROWTH projects to prepare young people for their chosen careers.


As its Career week 2023, we wanted to say a little more about our projects and how they allow young people to strive for goals, to develop important skills, such as teamwork, communication, problem solving, and leadership which will all be needed once they decide on their chosen careers. We introduce the idea of Aspirations and what this means to our young people at the start of the year. We talk about what aspirations they may have and the skills that they will need to enable these goals to become a reality. 

Throughout all of our projects, from the outdoor management to the coaching sessions within schools, we are always working towards building aspirational thoughts and dreams within our young people.

Having these aspirations, regardless of how big they may be enables our young people to start thinking about the skills they will need and thus can improve their school attainment, attendance and behaviour and start them on their journey to obtaining the behaviours and skills that they will need in their future careers.

Meaning and purpose 

The GROWTH programme instils a sense of meaning and purpose in life, promoting wellbeing and supporting mental health. When working with our young people we are always reiterating the importance of purpose and meaning within any role that you may do.

All of our projects are based around the purpose of helping the community, environment and introducing new skills.

Having a purpose and a meaning, improves motivation and enables our young people to feel they have made a difference. Increasing their confidence and a sense of accomplishment is the goal for all of our projects.

The wellbeing of our young people is incredibly important, setting them up to feel they can achieve their aspirations and therefore feeling more positive about achieving those future goals is paramount.


The GROWTH programme for young people provides the perfect foundation to try something new, gain new perspectives, and learn something outside of the classroom. As well as new experiences in the outdoor environment, our projects build several skills that are required in the workplace, whether that’s an indoor or outdoor career.

Working as a team during the projects creates an environment where our young people have to communicate, listen, be motivated and most of all resilient throughout the experience.

Working outside and completing some of the physical work we do can be difficult and sometimes challenging for our young people. It is important that they try to be resilient, not give up, and work hard to achieve the purpose of the project.

The satisfaction and accomplishment they feel after a day of hard work is what builds these essential skills and resilience that are required in the workplace.


It can be a fulfilling for young people to give back and make a difference in the world. When working with our young people, we discuss the expectations that we have for them and the expectations that they should hold for themselves.

Building this confidence and self-esteem within our young people is imperative for them to be able to flourish and achieve their goals.

Reiterating expectations and discussing the expectations that employers may have for them, broadens their minds and creates discussions about the unknown and answers questions they may have about going into a workplace.

Our projects are a great way to make new friends, to learn new skills and to gain experiences that will be a great foundation for future careers.


All our projects are based around volunteering as fundamentally this is what our young people are doing when they come out with us to help the community. We discuss the benefits of this for them, in terms of adding to their CV, making them stand out and being difference from other applicants.

Volunteering can also broaden your horizons by exposing you to different people and experiences. Through volunteering and meeting new people, our young people are shown different things that they might not otherwise see in their day to day life.

They also have discussions with the CYP team and our volunteers who can share experience and knowledge around several topics, including careers and can answer questions our young people may have.

The volunteers that come out with us as a team come from various backgrounds and have differing knowledge and experience for example legal, public service and a financial knowledge that can and has been shared with our young people.

This not only broadens knowledge but also encourages our young people to explore different paths and have those discussions to stimulate new ideas and goals.

If you’d like to volunteer with CHEXS and support young people and our projects, then please get in touch with our head office for a volunteer application form.


The hours are flexible, you are free to do as much or a little as you want.

To find out more, or to email any questions you may have please get in touch with the office on the above email address or follow us on social media.